The joint formerly known as the Water Street Music Hall has been shut down for a while now, nothing floating out to the street but the ghosts of the memorable music it presented over the years as one of Rochester's choice venues. Soon however, rock 'n' roll will once again spill out along with the scent of waffles. The wildly popular Syracuse venue Funk 'N Waffles has taken over the spot at 204 North Water Street with a tentative opening date in April. Funk 'N Waffles co-founder Adam Gold announced the new location (the business' third) on Facebook on Thursday.
"We plan on booking rock, reggae, funk, folk, Americana, Indie rock, soul, and jazz," says talent buyer Charley Orlando who recommends the chicken and waffles.
"We'll be open all day every day serving up the same funky menu," Gold said in his announcement. "And there will be live music seven days a week. We are really excited to be a part of Rochester's growing St. Paul Quarter."
For more info on Funk 'N' Waffles check out