Music » Choice Concerts

CLASSICAL | Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Independence Day Concerts


The Fourth of July and classical music have gone together, with or without fireworks, almost since 1776. Thursday, July 3, the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra offers its annual "Salute to America" concert conducted by Michael Berkowitz, including the obligatory "Stars and Stripes Forever" and "1812 Overture" (it's not about our War of 1812, but don't blame Tchaikovsky). And the also-obligatory fireworks will burst in the air above CMAC.

The RPO performs "Salute to America" on Thursday, July 3, 8 p.m., at CMAC, 3355 Marvin Sands Drive, Canandaigua. $19-$49; lawn seats: $18; children under 18: free on the lawn.;, 800-745-3000.

Pondering how to celebrate July 4? Join the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra downtown for a summer tradition. Conductor Michael Berkowitz will lead the orchestra through patriotic favorites. Enjoy great music, and stay for a spectacular view of the City's annual fireworks display.

The RPO performs Friday, July 4, 9:00 p.m., at the Main Street Bridge, Downtown Rochester. Free.