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The crisp, cold air that's finally arrived in Rochester may not be welcome to some, but it's perfect weather for stargazing. At RMSC's after-hours Star Party, amateur astronomers and extraterrestrial enthusiasts alike will get to use telescopes to get a clear glimpse of the Milky Way, Summer Triangle, and thousands of stars. Experts will be on hand to help you pinpoint constellations, star clusters, nebulae, and even double stars. The event is well-timed: The annual Leonid meteor shower is expected to be at its peak this weekend. If the sky is clear, 10 to 20 meteors are visible each hour on average. The event will also feature other cosmic activities, including making (and eating) your own brownie constellations. If you have binoculars, you're encouraged to bring them.

Star Party takes place Friday, November 17, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Cumming Nature Center (6472 Gulick Road, Naples). Tickets are $3 per person or $10 for a family, and can be purchased at or by calling 374-6160. It's free for RMSC members.