WSJ corrects the record on renewables


The Wall Street Journal is getting attention for yesterday's Energy section cover piece, "Six Myths About Renewable Energy."

The article takes six common claims for or against renewable energy and sets the record straight. For example, it tackles the claim that renewables don't contribute much power to the United States' grid and explains, point by point, why that's wrong.

American renewables like wind, solar, biomass, and often-overlooked hydropower contribute electricity in amounts that eclipse the total generation of some countries, the article explains. But the piece also takes some steam (no pun intended) out of the argument that renewables can entirely replace fossil fuels.

The article is a worthwhile read for anyone interested in how the America gets its power. But some of the reactions to the piece are also worth a read.

Media Matters, a progressive think tank has, calls its response "WSJ Debunks WSJ's Renewable Energy Myths," and its thrust can be summed up in this one sentence from the article:

"But the paper itself has promoted several of these myths in the past, obscuring the promising growth of renewable energy as prices rapidly decline."

And it takes a few of the myths and explains how the Wall Street Journal has "promoted" them.